Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen . . . DRINK THIS BEER!

ooooh, Jeremy Cowan.  His beers are so good.  My friend Jeremy is the proprietor of SHMALTZ brewing, quickly moving way up in the ranks of my favorite breweries.  I have yet to taste any of their beers that I do not love -- and by love, I mean I want to take them to all my beer-lovin' friends and say, "DRINK THIS!!"  Tonight, I am enjoying a BITTERSWEET LENNY'S R.I.P.A.  -- a double IPA brewed with rye malts.  It's got kind of a sweet hoppy nose, with a spicy rye middle and a powerful hop finish.  It comes in 22 ounce bottles, which as we all learned yesterday, I believe is the perfect portion size.  And I share with Jeremy not only a love of fantastic original delicious beer, but also a passion for the English language and all the magic it can impart.  PLEASE go buy this beer -- it's at all the Binny's, Lush on South Halsted and West Roscoe, and most of your better beer emporiums.  And then -- and this can be said of ANY Shmaltz beer -- READ THE LABEL!  The labels are chock-full of history, inspiration and fun facts about the liquid inside.  Oh -- I should talk a bit about the inspiration for this beer, the great Lenny Bruce.  Long before this world in which being irreverent, un-PC, and having a general fuck-you attitude became the epitome of cool, Lenny was doing it all.  And he really did not give a damn what anyone said or thought.  Get this beer, look for some Lenny Bruce on YouTube or rent a boxed set -- and toast the men whose names are on the label.  Lenny and Jeremy, brothers from different times.  

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