Friday, November 28, 2008

I know, I know, it's been five days . . .

I missed my blogging Monday through Thursday this week.  I am ashamed.  But Thanksgiving preparations and the birthday of one of my very dearest friends had to take precedence.  We didn't get home til 1:30 in the morning on Monday and Tuesday, and WEDNESDAY was our annual pre-Thankgiving night of cooking and cleaning.  Yeah.  It's a big night.  
I did do some drinking these days, though.  To make up the four days I did not blog, I will talk about at least two beers for the next four days.  You'd think I was Catholic, I have such guilt.  
Tuesday night, we celebrated Johnny's birthday with a trip to Three Floyd's brew pub!!!!!  WHEEEEEEE!!  Oooooh, I had delicious beer!  I started with the DREADNAUGHT, the Floyds' imperial IPA, which is citrusy and grapefruity and flowery, and is absolutely one of my all time favorite beers.  I followed that up with an APOCALYPSE COW, pictured, available only in the brew pub.  It is a double IPA, 10% ABV, and just absolutely stinking delicious.  It is remarkable to me how well balanced the strong IPA's from Three Floyds can be.  Also -- What beer has a better name than Apocalypse Cow?  I mean really.  
Tonight I am drinking another of Jeremy Cowan of Shmaltz Brewing's fine beers, REJEWVENATOR.  I had a busy week, I am finally in my sweats on my couch enjoying my Thanksgiving bloat, and I wanted a full-flavored, satisfying beer.  The REEJEWVENATOR is brewed to celebrate the Jewish New Year.  It is a dark, moderately strong (7.8 % ABV), slightly sweet but not at all cloying ale brewed with figs.  The label notes reference some of the many mentions of the humble fig in the Bible and offers other historical information about the fig.  For example, I had always wondered why sometimes you see reproductions of the statue of Michaelangelo's DAVID with a fig leaf covering his naughty bits, and sometimes his stuff is right there, uncovered, flapping in the wind for all to see.  Turns out Queen Victoria, who may not have been the original prude but certainly perfected the art of prudishness, had an 18-inch fig leaf sculpted to cover the offending bits.  Buddha gained enlightenment by meditating under a fig tree.  And legend has it that figs have aphrodisiac qualities.  So, bring us some figgy pudding -- Christmas is coming!  
A clerk was trampled to death today at Wal-Mart!  Holy crap. 
So now, I'm going to watch HOOSIERS on the Retro channel and enjoy my beer.  

1 comment:

Keenable said...

Those stampeding shoppers at the Wal-Mart could use a strong dose of Catholic guilt.