Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I tasted some beers that I don't sell

Yes, I did.  It is one of my favorite things to do.  Tuesday afternoons at RODAN, 1530 North Milwaukee avenue, Dave and Eric taste out stuff that salesfolk like myself bring, in hopes of getting it put on their menu.  Of course, I got there too late to taste the Lost Abbey beers, but we tried a few . . .
BELL'S CHERRY STOUT -- Mr. Hayes tried this last weekend and said it was pretty sour, and he was right.  It was drinkable, but it tasted a lot like they mixed a stout and a Kriek lambic.  Very Robutussin-like, cough mediciny.  High acid level.  Again, drinkable, but I couldn't drink more than one.  Might be interesting on ice cream. 
MAGIC HAT REXY ROLLES -- Okay.  I don't like beer bashing, but sometimes . . . I want to like Magic Hat beers, I really do!  I think the #9 is okay.  But this one . . . my tasting companions described it thusly:"tastes like cat piss"  "When it comes back up, it tastes like the perfume counter at Macy's"  Ooooh.  It is labeled a hoppy amber ale, but I think something went awry somewhere.  I actually was curious about this when I saw it on the shelves, Magic Hat's packaging is super eye-catching and clever.  Glad I didn't buy a bottle.  
ROGUE CHOCOLATE STOUT -- Those folks at Rogue have a good thing going.  And their beers, I think, are consistent across the board for their styles.  This is a fairly light stout, sweet and chocolatey -- like a grown-up chocolate milk.  This would be a great beer for a holiday caroling party, really good with cookies or lighter desserts.

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