It's been over a year. Who knew? 2011 was truly a year that was the best of times and the worst of times. Much of the year was spent helping care for my second mom, Bettye Ruth Segraves, who passed, sadly, in August. Some of the year was spent winning fantastic trips through work -- to San Francisco and Anchor Brewing; Fort Bragg and North Coast Brewing; Denver and Boulder, Colorado and the GABF; and, probably most exciting, to SALZBURG, AUSTRIA, the Stiegl Brewery. The year ranged from amazing to horrible to fraught to joyful, sometimes all in the same day.
Through it all, I thought, "I should blog about this" and didn't. Honestly, when I had any down time, all I wanted to do was cry and sleep.
But, now I need support and focus, and the best way I can think of to focus is to "go public" and be accountable. I registered to take the Certified Cicerone exam on March 8. Less than a month away! I'm usually a good student, and since I've been planning to take the exam for more than a year, I decided now's the time.
SO! Tonight I've started studying. I will study for at least an hour a night (or day on weekends) and check in here to verify that I've done it.
And, while I'm at it, I'll share some pictures I took last year. I appreciate anyone who might still be interested in this, and anyone new who wants to read a little about beer, and Chicago, and drinking beer in Chicago.
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