Thursday, February 23, 2012

And read this, and this, and don't forget that, and make sure you know this . . .

Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to be included in the Chicago Beer Tweetup, a get-together of folks who blog and tweet about beer in Chicago. It was great to actually meet face-to-face so many people whom I previously only knew from a tiny picture. Among the folks I met was Virginia Thomas, who works for the Cicerone program. I wasted no time in asking many questions about what to study, what to expect, and for what to be prepared. She was very kind, despite the many annoying e-mails I had sent her when I was trying to sign up and pay for the exam. She rattled off a number of things I should study . . ."and read Michael Jackson's Great Beers of Belgium, and read Garrett Oliver's Brewmaster's Table, and make sure you know your off-flavors, because you can pass the written portion, but if you don't pass the tasting portion, you fail the whole test . . . " Jesus.
So what am I doing? Reading Great Beers of Belgium. It's a very easy and entertaining read, and it's great to finally be forced to make time for these books that I've long been meaning to get to.
Also this year! I'm gonna drink all this beer I've been keeping. I have an awful lot of beer in my house, and after the Anchor Christmas Vertical debacle of last December (which is another story), I am drinking and enjoying all of it before it goes bad.
Tonight I'm enjoying a Heartwood Symposium, a collaboration beer from several different brewers, brewed in celebration of the Craft Brewers' Conference in 2010. G'Night! Back to reading!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Yes, I'm studying, stop nagging me

Yes, yes, I have been studying! I've begun reviewing the BJCP style definitions in-depth and re-reading Tasting Beer, by Randy Mosher. There's lots more to come. I feel somewhat confident, in that I still have a little over two weeks and several days and evenings just to devote to it.
Mostly, I am really, really excited to finally be taking the test. After many instance of telling myself I was going to do it, I'm finally doing it.

Here's some nice pictures from Salzburg.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

See, I told you I was serious

Gettin' some studying in, after finishing up some e-mails. Tonight, I am reviewing the steps of the brewing process so I can explain them in a clear and concise way. Anyone who reads my blog knows that concise-ness is not my strong suit. Also, reviewing Cask Ales and Bottle Fermentation.
Had lunch at Publican Quality Meats today! Delicious. Resisted the temptation to have a Thornbridge Jaipur IPA with lunch.
I'm gonna get back to my studying. Maybe start re-reading "Tasting Beer" by Randy Mosher.
Here's a couple pictures from Austria! A street in Salzburg, looking up into the Alps; and the restaurant Wilder Mann, where we had lunch the first day. We do a lot of eating and drinking on these trips! This trip to Austria will always mean a lot to me, it was my very first time in Europe.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's a new year of new beginnings

It's been over a year. Who knew? 2011 was truly a year that was the best of times and the worst of times. Much of the year was spent helping care for my second mom, Bettye Ruth Segraves, who passed, sadly, in August. Some of the year was spent winning fantastic trips through work -- to San Francisco and Anchor Brewing; Fort Bragg and North Coast Brewing; Denver and Boulder, Colorado and the GABF; and, probably most exciting, to SALZBURG, AUSTRIA, the Stiegl Brewery. The year ranged from amazing to horrible to fraught to joyful, sometimes all in the same day.
Through it all, I thought, "I should blog about this" and didn't. Honestly, when I had any down time, all I wanted to do was cry and sleep.
But, now I need support and focus, and the best way I can think of to focus is to "go public" and be accountable. I registered to take the Certified Cicerone exam on March 8. Less than a month away! I'm usually a good student, and since I've been planning to take the exam for more than a year, I decided now's the time.
SO! Tonight I've started studying. I will study for at least an hour a night (or day on weekends) and check in here to verify that I've done it.
And, while I'm at it, I'll share some pictures I took last year. I appreciate anyone who might still be interested in this, and anyone new who wants to read a little about beer, and Chicago, and drinking beer in Chicago.