What the heck! It just took me about a half hour to re-set my password to get onto this site, so I could compose this important message for those that read this. OOoooh, I'm sleepy. Big deal, right? We're all sleepy, we are none of us getting as much sleep as we'd like. And before we know it, it'll be time for the last season of OPRAH.
I was in Mexico for my birthday. The only beer at the resort was Dos Equis. So, the Saturday we got back, we went to Hopleaf for my annual birthday sandwich. Cashew butter and fig jam. Yeah!
Tonight -- Drank some Dogfish Head beers out of the crisper. Fall seasonal beers are starting to become available. Great Lakes Oktoberfest, Three Floyds Munsterfest and Moloko Milk Stout, and Dogfish Punkin should all be at your local liquor mart. Go get some fresh beer! Let us know what's your favorite!