Tonight, we went to see Spring Awakenings, which is a Broadway musical here on tour. For those who have not heard of it, it won a Tony award, I forget which one. It is a play from the late 1800's which has been adapted and added songs by Duncan Sheik, of "Barely Breathing" fame. The play was banned in the 1800's because it deals with topics like teen sex, S&M, homosexuality -- stuff that is no big deal nowadays when you see it on cable, and even network TV, sometimes, but just wasn't talked about back then. The music is great -- Sheik uses modern-day language in most of the songs, although some of them sound like the lyrics may have been adapted from the original script. The most popular song from the show is the production number, "Totally Fucked". Very catchy. Anyway, I really liked it -- very simple set, not much in the way of costumes, very intelligent staging, and I think the music is original and smart and could listen to it over and over in the car, which is my measure of how good something is. If you can get tickets, get them, go see it.
After we saw the show, we went to popular Chicago theater restaurant Petterino's. I had a Delirium Tremens, a Belgian golden ale which, as all their PR stuff says, has been rated the best beer in the world. And it is good. It is not my FAVORITE Belgian golden or Triple style by any means -- it is pretty sticky sweet, not too much hops -- but it is super popular, in my opinion because of the pink elephant on the label and the painted white bottle. And, it is 8.5% ABV so it is a time-saving beverage!
It was great to sit around after a show talking theater with theater people, little bit of beer talk, spent some nice casual time with people I love but don't see that often. Made me feel like I was in college again, only I did not have to use a fake ID to get a beer.