Tonight I enjoyed a Trappist beer, Rochefort 6. The Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Remy monks make three different beers; the 6, the 8, and the 10. The monks spend most of their time in meditation, reflection, and prayer -- brewing beer is not their priority. But, all Trappist orders believe strongly in work as a sacrament. And ALL the Rochefort beer is made within the walls of the Abbey, by the company of 14 monks ranging in age from 35 to 82 years. The beer is brown and malty, with a thick effervescent head and some acidity. I got some licorice and plum out of it, maybe even a little prune. All their beers are worth trying! 6 is the lowest in alcohol of the three beers they make, this one is about 7.5%.
Must go now! Watching Top Chef Masters.