Thursday, July 30, 2009

Welcome to the Beer Summit. What would you like?

I know. I am constantly blogging about New Holland, Great Lakes, and Three Floyds. What can I say? They are my big three breweries -- my no-fail, go-to beers that are always in my crisper (that's where the beer lives in our refrigerator). Three Floyds current seasonal release, Gorsh Fock, is a Helles Lager. Very well balanced, nice malt sweetness with just the slightest bitterness in the finish -- this is far and away the most traditional beer these guys make. This is really classic American Craft Beer stuff -- taking a very classic German style and recreating it. Lovely.
Tonight I enjoyed a Trappist beer, Rochefort 6. The Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Remy monks make three different beers; the 6, the 8, and the 10. The monks spend most of their time in meditation, reflection, and prayer -- brewing beer is not their priority. But, all Trappist orders believe strongly in work as a sacrament. And ALL the Rochefort beer is made within the walls of the Abbey, by the company of 14 monks ranging in age from 35 to 82 years. The beer is brown and malty, with a thick effervescent head and some acidity. I got some licorice and plum out of it, maybe even a little prune. All their beers are worth trying! 6 is the lowest in alcohol of the three beers they make, this one is about 7.5%.
Must go now! Watching Top Chef Masters.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


It's Melissa and Evan!! I love Evan. Although Brandon will probably beat him.

Hmmmm. Where's my photos? There.

Did you know? I love beer

What am I drinking tonight? Great Lakes Grassroots Saison. It tastes like an asparagus lambic, if that makes sense to you. Strangely enough, I do NOT like asparagus. As in, I won't order food if it comes with asparagus. But I like this beer. Also, for your viewing pleasure, my artsy photo gallery/love letter to Imperial Mad Hatter from New Holland! Yes! I love it! As a beergirl who an honestly say her all-time favorite beer is DREADNAUGHT from Three Floyds, which is a super-hoppy Imperial IPA -- The Imperial Hatter is equally hoppy and delicious, with more port-like qualities like the Dogfish 120. I know hops aren't in vogue as much as they once were, but I LOVE THEM!!
In reality TV:
Melissa is all about the pointe, isn't she? Oh, by the way, aren't we all happy for Jillian and Ed??? I am so happy for them. He's a Cubs fan, dontcha know. Yeah!! Go Cubs!! 12-0 today!!
I did a staff tasting/training with the super deluxe team at the ELYSIAN HOTEL today. Andreas and his team love beer. Even the ones who thought beer was fizzy yellow water -- I showed them the light. This hotel is AMAZING -- can't wait for it to open. If you need me on any given Thursday after 5 pm, I'll be in their lounge.