. . . I can't blog every day. I gave it a good try. I will try to keep up on a beer for every day, though. Last night, we went to a less-than-bueno Mexican restaurant in Northwest Indiana. They had Miller Lite drafts for $1.00. NO, Silly, I didn't order one!!!! The waiter went down the list of bottled beers . . . Miller Lite (for those who don't enjoy the $1.00 drafts, I guess), MGD, Coors Light, Bud Light, Michelob Light, Corona, Corona Light, Modelo, Negra Modelo . . . I'm not even kidding. I stopped him there. I ended up with a Negra Modelo -- which in my humble opinion, doesn't really taste like anything but at least doesn't taste like corn and formaldehyde.
My dear friend Rachel from Lush Wine and Spirits brought me a New Glarus Brewing Bohemian Lager. New Glarus makes delicious beers, I used to sell Spotted Cow when I was a GM. Their Bohemian Lager smells just like a German lager should. It's nice to smell a domestic lager and not smell corn and adjuncts. According to the label, the recipe is that of an Old World Czech Pilsner, using 100% Czech Moravian Malt, Saaz hops, and three month cold lagering. All in all, a very serviceable, drinkable lager. I wish New Glarus would come back to Chicago, and I wish we sold their beers. Ah well. If wishes were horses, every beggar would ride, as they say. I'll blog more tomorrow. I wanna talk about Surly. Now I need to watch Amazing Race and fall asleep on the couch.